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Presbyopia Presbyopia

What is Presbyopia ?

  • Presbyopia is when your eyes gradually lose the ability to see things clearly up close.
  • It is usually noticed after the age of 40 year.

Causes of Presbyopia

  • Presbyopia is caused by this hardening of the lens of your eye, which is a natural part of the ageing process.

Signs and symptoms of Presbyopia

  • Having difficulty reading small print
  • Needing to hold reading material at an arm's distance to focus properly on it
  • Experiencing blurry vision at normal reading distance (approx. 35cm)
  • Having eye strain or headaches after reading or doing close work
  • Needing brighter lighting when reading or doing close work
  • Overall problems seeing and focusing on objects that are close to you
  • Squinting to bring objects into focus
  • Blurry vision up-close

It's fairly easy to recognise the signs and symptoms of presbyopia. You'll find it starts to get difficult doing close-up tasks, like reading or sewing. The further you hold something from you, the clearer it gets.